About Us
Board of Trustees
Board Policies
Section A
Board Compensation and Expenses

A-9: Board Compensation and Expenses

Adoption Date: 02/17/92 |  Revision Date: 02/16/98 | Revision Date: 08/26/08


A member of the Board of Trustees shall serve without compensation (i.e., salary, stipend, honorarium, insurance, or retirement benefit), unless statutory authorizations are enacted.

Expenses for Board Member Travel

Costs for reasonable expenses incurred by a member of the Board of Trustees in connection with his/her service as a Board member including travel, lodging, meal and meeting expenses shall be borne by the College. (Chapter 122, Section 103-7, Illinois Public Community College Act, as amended).

To promote College and community relations, the expenditures for members of the Board of Trustees to participate in College and Foundation activities and events, and at identified activities and events of the community/state, shall be borne by the College.

Expenses for Board Member Spouses/Guests

The reasonable expenditures for spouses or guests of members of the Board of Trustees in order to accompany the trustee and to participate in College and Foundation activities and events, and at identified activities and events of the community/state, shall be borne by the College. The expenses include tickets to identified special occasions or events and meal expenses; the expenses exclude travel and accommodations.