A-21: Board Meeting Agenda

Adoption Date: 09/17/90 |  Revision Date: 02/16/98 | Review Date: 08/26/08 | Revision Date: 10/30/18

Subject to change by the Board of Trustees, the agenda or order of business at all regular meetings of the Board shall be typically as follows: 

  1. Call to Order:
    The Board Chair, or the Vice Chair or Chair pro tem in the absence of the Chair convenes the meeting.
  2. Oral/Written Public Communications:
    The Board receives any written communications from the public, and the Board requests and hears any verbal statements from public citizens.
  3. Introductions/Recognitions:
    New employees, guests and individuals to be acknowledged and recognized are introduced to the Board.
  4. Approval of Minutes:
    The Board considers and acts upon regular, special and Executive Session meeting minutes.
  5. Consent Items:
    Matters pertaining to personnel, instruction, students, finance, and general institutional topics that may be handled by a single motion and vote are presented and acted upon.
  6. Action Items:
    Matters pertaining to personnel, instruction, students, finance, and general institutional topics that are voted on separately are presented and acted upon. A Closed Session may be held at the beginning of the "Action Items" section of the agenda, if desired and voted upon.
  7. Reports:
    The Board considers informational and progress reports and materials. Actions may be taken on motions presented by trustees in response to the reports and information presented.
  8. Items from the Board:
    Matters pertaining to Board member reports, the schedule for future meetings, and comments from individual table participants are presented and considered.
  9. Closed Session (as necessary):
    The Board members meet in closed session to consider allowable items.
  10. Adjournment:
    By majority vote of the Trustees, the meeting of the Board is adjourned.