When: July 7-17, 2025, Monday - Thursday, 1:15 - 5:15 p.m (Thursdays may run up to 1 hour
Cost: $300
Finding Material, Cutting Material, Discovering Delivery Advantages
The Prairie State College Summer Speech Camp has been helping South Suburban high school students prepare for their competitive speech season since 1998. Each student chooses one event to prepare and polish over the course of the two-week camp. Students work with experienced coach instructors. At PSC, we are proud to maintain a 1:5 coach to student ratio.
This year’s cost is $300.00 per student for the two-week camp. Students may opt to attend only Week 1 for $150.00, but may not attend Week 2 only. With either option, the full amount is due by the start date of camp (Monday, July 8, 2024).
For schools that enroll 10 or more students, there may be a small discount available to each student from that school. Please contact Dana Trunnell about this discount.
In addition, there may be a limited number of partial scholarships available. In order to be considered for a partial scholarship, students must send a letter to the camp directors demonstrating financial need and interest in the speech team. In addition, the student’s coach should send a letter of support to the camp directors.
The Tom Sweeney Scholarship is named after Tom Sweeney, who was a coach at Homewood- Flossmoor High School. It was Sweeney’s tireless efforts that led to the establishment of the Summer Speech Camp and the scholarship named in his honor was developed to help students who would like to attend camp but may need some financial assistance. In order to be considered for a partial or full scholarship, students must send a letter to the camp directors demonstrating financial need and interest in the speech team. In addition, the student’s coach should send a letter of support to the camp directors.
For updates including photos during and after camp, Like and Follow us on Facebook.
The Prairie State College Summer Speech Camp in partnership with the Foundation offers the Tom Sweeney Scholarship, which provides partial tuition scholarships to attend camp for a limited number of students with financial need.
If you would like to contribute to this fund, your donation will be deeply appreciated. You may contact Joshua Green or Dana Trunnell about making a donation, or contact the PSC Foundation directly at (708)709-3631 or PSCFoundation@prairiestate.edu and specify that your contribution is for the Tom Sweeney Scholarship Fund. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Your gift may be tax deductible; please consult your tax advisor.
Thank you for considering a gift to benefit high school students as they pursue their interest in public speaking and performance excellence.
For more information contact:
Joshua Green
(708) 709-2958
Dana Trunnell
(708) 709-3798
Main Campus:
202 S. Halsted St.
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
(708) 709-3500