The welding program at Prairie State College offers comprehensive training in various welding techniques, safety protocols, and industry best practices, preparing students for successful careers in welding and metalworking.


Welders possess versatile skills that are essential for businesses relying on on-site welding capabilities. Prairie State College (PSC) offers comprehensive training programs designed to develop proficiency in all aspects of welding. Our flexible scheduling includes evening classes to accommodate your busy life.
students in classroom

Discover the Value of Welding Skills

Welders play a crucial role in various industries due to their ability to adapt to different tasks and environments. At PSC, we recognize the importance of these crossover skills and provide top-notch training to help individuals excel in the field of welding.
students in classroom

Comprehensive Training

Our training programs cover a wide range of tools and techniques essential for mastering every phase of welding. From basic skills to advanced methods, our courses are designed to equip students with the expertise needed to meet industry demands.
students in classroom

Convenient Class Scheduling

PSC offers evening courses, providing you with the flexibility to pursue your training without disrupting your daytime commitments. At PSC, your success is our priority, and we strive to make learning accessible for everyone.
Whether you are starting a new career or aiming to enhance your existing capabilities, our programs will empower you to thrive in the dynamic world of welding.
Martin Wolfe
Associate Professor/Coordinator, Welding
Office: (708) 709-7807 | Lab: (708) 709-3691 
Office: T-145 | Lab: T-165 Enroll today!